Auto Insurance

Experts Suggest Driverless Cars Could Slash Auto Insurance Rates

Experts Suggest Driverless Cars Could Slash Auto Insurance Rates 1000 720 Evergreen Protect

As driverless cars continue to become more and more of a reality, experts suggest that we could eventually see auto insurance rates begin to drop. A recent study by RAND…

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Wells Fargo Caps Subprime Auto Loans

Wells Fargo Caps Subprime Auto Loans 1000 667 Evergreen Protect

Wells Fargo announced on Monday that it has put a cap on the amount of money it will loan to subprime borrowers. As reported by CNBC, according to execs, the…

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Advance Auto Bringing Jobs

Advance Auto Bringing Jobs 1000 667 Evergreen Protect

According to officials, Advance Auto Parts will be employing 600 workers in North Carolina by the end of 2017. Average pay for workers will be around $110,000 per year, and…

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