Tips For Dealing With An Insurance Adjuster

Tips For Dealing With An Insurance Adjuster

Tips For Dealing With An Insurance Adjuster 574 381 Evergreen Protect

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be a hassle. Between dealing with your insurance company and the police, it can be challenging to know what to do next. One thing that might be confusing is dealing with your insurance adjuster. So here are a few tips for smoothing the process.

Be prepared: Before meeting with the adjuster, review your policy and gather supporting documentation, such as receipts or photos. This will help you to illustrate the facts of your case accurately.

Be polite: Adjusters are often busy people, and it can be easy to become frustrated when dealing with them. However, it is vital to remain calm and polite throughout the process.

Be firm: While being polite, you should also be firm in negotiation. Stand your ground, and don’t let the adjuster lowball you on your settlement offer.

Don’t say too much: Avoid giving recorded statements or giving too much information about the accident. The insurance adjuster will try to get you to provide a statement, but you should decline because it can be used against you.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate: Do not accept the first offer from the insurance company. The insurance company will start with a low offer. However, be willing to walk away from the negotiation if you are not satisfied.

Contact an attorney: Don’t agree with the insurance adjuster if you’ve not consulted with your attorney. Consider contacting your lawyer to help you navigate the claims process.

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