Difference Between Personal Injury And Bodily Injury

Difference Between Personal Injury And Bodily Injury

Difference Between Personal Injury And Bodily Injury 575 383 Evergreen Protect

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to another party’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. However, filing a claim for compensation can be confusing, especially with similar terms like personal injury and bodily injury. Here we’ll provide more information about these terms.

What Is Personal Injury?

This is a claim filed against the liable party for inflicting injury due to negligence. For instance, you can file a personal injury claim if you’re injured due to another party’s negligent actions.

Negligence In A Personal Injury Claim

As we all know, personal injury claims emerge from carelessness or negligence of the at-fault party. Malpractice, slip-and-fall, dog bites, vehicular accidents, and harm caused by inferior products revolve around negligence. Compensation for personal injury cases includes:

  • Loss of income.
  • Rehabilitation.
  • Funeral and burial expenses.
  • The payment for medical bills.

What Is Bodily Injury?

This term can describe specific physical damages such as broken bones, bruises, cuts, burns, scarring, disfigurement, paralysis, or impairment of body function an individual has sustained.

Negligence In A Bodily Injury Claim

A bodily injury negligence claim is similar to a personal injury claim. However, the term is used across many legal areas:

  • Criminal law: When a lawsuit involves an assault or crime where someone was injured.
  • Insurance: When negotiating coverage for injuries sustained by other individuals in an accident.
  • Civil lawsuits: When a physically injured person files a claim pursuing settlement outside what insurance provides.

Whether you will use bodily injury or personal injury insurance to recover depends on the fault laws in your state.