Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have

Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have

Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have 575 383 Evergreen Protect

You should expect the unexpected in life. Fortunately, insurance can relieve you from the unexpected. While most people know the importance of insurance, only a few know the types of insurance policies they need. Here are a few types of insurance policies and why you might need them.
Health insurance
Who needs it: Everyone
Why need it: Unexpected health care can be costly and result in debt for individuals who can’t afford the out-of-pocket costs.
What it is: Health insurance is an agreement between a policyholder and health insurance that requires the insurer to pay for a portion or all of the medical costs.

Auto insurance
Who needs it: People that own a car
Why need it: Driving an uninsured car is against the law and can be risky because the vehicle and the driver aren’t protected against accidents.
What it is: Auto insurance covers vehicles, motorcycles, and others against damage or bodily injury that could result from an accident.

Life insurance
Who needs it: Those with heir
Why need it: The cost associated with death can cause a setback. A life insurance plan will ease the financial burden for the surviving spouse and dependents.
What it is: After death, a life insurance policy pays your heir an agreed amount to cover the expenses you left.

Homeowners insurance
Who needs it: Homeowners
Why need it: People that want to protect their home in case of damage such as house fire or flood.
What it is: Homeowners insurance protects your property and any associated buildings, such as a porch, garage, and balcony.

You need to ensure you’re covered to protect yourself from the unexpected. So take your time and find the policy that fits your need.